In this article, we look into cases where the Track & Trust system can be applied to ensure predictive maintenance capability in an offline scenario. In today’s industrial landscape, predictive […]


Datarella has been at the forefront of deploying blockchain solutions for supply chain management. The introduction of the European Union’s Corporate Supply Chain Due Diligence Directive (CSDDD, or CS3D) presents […]


Datarella is happy to announce that Simon Zehentreiter is joining as a Blockchain Consultant. He is extremely passionate about blockchain technology and brings experience in business administration and information systems. Please welcome him on 1 October 2022 as part of the Datarella team.


Admittedly, it’s a German original: The “Adventskalender”. Every year on December 1st, children’s eyes in Germany start to shine – the Christmas countdown starts! This tradition has been going on on […]


In the past years, we have built numerous blockchain projects – most of them private permissioned networks with Proof of Authority (PoA: A defined number of nodes “control” the network). […]


In 2018, we at Datarella started developing the Track & Trust System – the humanitarian supply chain on blockchain – for DFID. The first issue for Track & Trust Proof […]


At Datarella we have been active in the humanitarian space since our first project with the United Nations World Food Programme, saving them millions of Dollars every year. Supporting aid […]


October last year in London, we kicked off the Humanitarian Supply Blockchain Proof of Technology with members of Britain’s Department for International Development (DFID) and their Frontier Technology Livestreaming (FTL) […]


In October 2018, we started developing a blockchain based supply chain solution for UK government’s DFID. The system was supposed to track accountability of goods on their way to disaster […]
