
As one of the selected parties in the current eSSIF program, Datarella aims to bring Anoncreds based on CL-Signatures to the Aries Framework Go. In this blogpost, we provide a […]


With Datarella, we have been building software, tools, and applications for Web3 since 2015. Our first truly global project has been the Building Blocks application which enables users to securely […]


The German Environment Agency (UBA) commissioned the Frankfurt School Blockchain Center, Capgemini and Datarella to elaborate a feasibility study on the use of DLT in today’s emissions trading registries. Datarella […]


In the last months, we have built the MVP of the Rohingya Archive, a digital heritage archive for the stateless Rohingya people. The R-Archive uses Arweave’s Blockweave technology to store […]


In this blog post, we look at the potential of service automation through autonomous economic agents in Blockchain-based systems. Datarella’s partner has made it their mission to combine intelligent […]


Since 1982 an extensive destruction of public records, documenting the Rohingya legacy, has taken place. The remaining documents are at high risk of getting lost and are spread among the […]


Datarella is proud to announce the signing of a two-year contract with the European Space Agency (ESA) to further work on the space-linked supply chain product Track & Trust (T&T). […]


A bug bounty program is used to inspect protocol code and rewards inspectors if bugs are found successfully. Code and product quality can be increased significantly by such swarm intelligence. […]


Supporting charity projects is a great thing to do. Donors deserve to know for what their contributions were used. We are happy to announce the launch of a new, central […]
