KEYNOTE: Meredith L. Patterson
Mainstream media often presents the blockchain as a universal weapon against all kinds of fraud and hacks. Our keynote speaker,technologist and biopunk Meredith L. Patterson will take a dive into the security aspects of the blockchain, smart contracts, etc..
Meredith L. Patterson is a software engineer and security researcher living in Brussels, Belgium. She co-chairs the IEEE Workshop on Language-Theoretic Security, having started the field in 2005. She holds a B.A. and an M.A. in linguistics and currently works for Nuance Communications.
We are proud to have Meredith who is known for her work in computational linguistics and its applications to computer security.
This meetup should be of special interest for information security experts, risk managers, and for everybody working on aspects of security in IT.
Cryptography never solves a problem – it merely transforms a security problem into a key management problem, it takes a secret to keep a secret.
Secure communication / transactions should provide:
• privacy
• authentication
• integrity
• provenance
• no double-spending
We’re more than happy to present a world premiere to you: Christoph Mussenbrock will demo the Flight Delay Dapp (https://fdd.etherisc.com/) live from Shanghai.
Nobody likes when their flight is late or even completely canceled. Travelers are entitled to claim compensation from the airlines, but the process is lengthy and purposefully complicated. The Flight Delay Dapp is a real-world example of how Ethereum can prove to be beneficial outside of the tech world. Similar to an insurance policy, this Dapp shows how smart contracts are automatically executing, thus benefiting the traveler in case of unforeseen events.
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