In the dynamic landscape of manufacturing, efficiency is key. A quick recap: Multi-Tenancy Architectures allow multiple users, or “tenants,” to share software infrastructure. Now, let’s explore how the implementation of […]


Track & Trust is ready to launch soon! Here’s what’s new: Unlike many other supply chain solutions, it offers a probabilistic rather than a deterministic approach to tracking goods. In […]


To visualize and structure ongoing Gaia-X projects and their thematically related studies, Datarella created a project landscape that comprises the three domains Gaia-X Federation Services, Automotive & Mobility and Industry […]


Datarella, as part of a consortium of leading industry manufacturers and research facilities, is beginning work on the feasibility study “ESCOM – Balanced Edge Cloud Environments for Superior Component Service […]


Datarella, together with leading industry partners and research facilities have been awarded a contract for the feasibility study titled “Collaborative Smart Services for Industrial Value Chains in Gaia-X (COSMIC-X)”, funded […]


As part of a German consortium, Datarella has successfully finished the research project KOSMoS. KOSMoS was a joint research project aiming to build a collaborative smart contract platform for the […]


The German Environment Agency (UBA) commissioned the Frankfurt School Blockchain Center, Capgemini and Datarella to elaborate a feasibility study on the use of DLT in today’s emissions trading registries. Datarella […]


In the last months, we have built the MVP of the Rohingya Archive, a digital heritage archive for the stateless Rohingya people. The R-Archive uses Arweave’s Blockweave technology to store […]


In this blog post, we look at the potential of service automation through autonomous economic agents in Blockchain-based systems. Datarella’s partner has made it their mission to combine intelligent […]
