We are very happy to have Dr. Dirk Siegel, Partner of Deloitte, to discuss the question: Blockchain and IoT – A promising model?
Dirk is Partner with Deloitte and leads the Deloitte Blockchain Institute in Germany. He has 25 years of consulting experience in Financial Services, both Banking and Insurance. Throughout his career he has been exploring the interplay between business processes and technology. Dirk holds a PhD in Applied Mathematics from Cambridge University.
Some of you might have seen Dirk presenting without an actual presentation in our Insurance Industry meetup. (https://www.meetup.com/Ethereum-Munich/events/234262490/)
As a hopefully suitable replacement for the postponed presentation of Blockchainfirst, we will learn about one of the most important challenges in the field of “blockchained IoT”. Laurenz Kirchner of mm1 and Joerg Blumtritt of Datarella will present a solution for a cecure and reliable communication between IoT hardware and the blockchain.
Photo: Laurenz Kirchner, mm1 ; Joerg Blumtritt, Datarella
Challenges for the IoT Blockchain – How to provide a secure and reliable communication
Laurenz Kirchner is Partner with mm1, a consultancy for connected business, and a cooperation partner of Datarella. Together with Datarella Partner Joerg Blumtritt, he will explain the main challenges of IoT hardware to act as a smart device on the one hand and a reliable and persistent source of data fed into the blockchain, on the other. While Laurenz focuses on the required communication protocol, Joerg will stress the obligatory purpose of the blockchain in this specific solution.
By the way – the different sizes of the photographs do not imply anything – it’s due to little time spent editing this information by the organizer, i.e. myself.
Due to a short-term change in Jurgen Schaar’s schedule we have to postpone his presentation of Blockchainfirst’s IoT solution to our next meetup but one that will take place after summer vacation mid September.
We’ll have a full house on Wednesday, and we are really looking forward to having super interesting talks as well as lively discussions! For all long-time Ethereum Meetup guests: we will not meet at Wirtschaftsministerium – as we have in the last months – but at Deloitte, Munich.
If you’re on Twitter, please use #ethmuc for your tweets.
Best, Michael