Since 2015, Datarella has been active in building enterprise blockchain solutions in the humanitarian sector, in the fields of supply chain and mobility, and in finance and real estate. Leveraging combined resources from Munich, Germany, and its Gdansk, Poland, Baltic Data Science team, has allowed for highly agile, interdisciplinary teamwork which has been a significant success factor especially during the Coronavirus crisis. Now, Datarella expands the blockchain development team to Macedonia.
Based on rapidly increasing demand for blockchain solutions, Datarella has expanded its development resources to Macedonia, based on a stable personal German-Macedonian relationship and direct access to the Faculty of Computer Science and Engineering “Ss. Cyril and Methodius” University in Skopje.
Dimche Risteski, explains:
Blockchain and distributed ledger technology are emerging technologies that will have a significant impact on the economy and society. The implications of Blockchain technologies are expected to be industry spanning and are not restricted by geographical boundaries. To raise the awareness and potential of this technology in my home country Macedonia last year on 02 August 2019 I create the meetup group “Macedonia Blockchain Group”.The first presentation was in December at the Faculty of Computer Science and Engineering in Skopje. The Interest of the students about the topic was impressive. For the students to get practical knowledge, they need to be exposed to Blockchain projects. To do this, we were searching for industry partners that will cooperate with the group and allow the students to work on blockchain projects.
I am happy to announce that we now have finalized cooperation with our industry partner Datarella from Munich, Germany. Datarella is a company that is an early adopter of the blockchain technology and already has finished successful projects in this domain. We started the cooperation this month, and the developers will work on three different projects additionally represented in the form of seminar work. We are looking forward to a successful partnership!
Datarella’s Munich and Gdansk teams have already started with the integration of the Skopje team and are delighted about this significant strengthening of our development stack. We would like to thank Dimche Risteski and his Macedonian team for entering this cooperation and look forward to a our joined journey!