Datarella is proud to announce the signing of a piloting agreement with Aid Pioneers e.V. (Aid Pioneers) to further work on a shipment with the space-linked supply chain product Track and Trust (T&T). Track and Trust is funded by the European Space Agency as a 2-year Demonstration Project. In this regard, Datarella, as prime contractor, together with its partners Weaver Labs and OroraTech, recently successfully completed a significant milestone with ESA.
The consortium led by Datarella is currently working on a Blockchain-based enterprise solution to tackle complex supply chain challenges that humanitarian agencies across the world face in order to track aid in locations that lack access to reliable communications infrastructure. At the end of two years of development and commercial trials, Track & Trust aims to deliver a scalable cost-efficient communications platform & network combining satellite, IoT mesh and blockchain components serving mostly supply chain use cases.
Aid Pioneers agreed to join the Track and Trust initiative as a shipment partner. They will initiate and organize an aid supply for the demonstration of the Track and Trust service. The first shipment is planned for 2023 with the goal to support people in Ukraine. Aid Pioneers is a German association joining other NGOs to build logistics to foreign countries helping people in need.
“We are very proud to have Aid Pioneers on board as our piloting partner for Track and Trust. Aid Pioneers is a young but well-established aid organization active for aid shipments to various regions including Africa, Middle-East including Balkan and Ukraine. With Aid Pioneers as our shipment partner, we have a strong setup to make a success story out of Track and Trust.” Yukitaka Nezu, Co-Founder and CFO at Datarella.
We are very excited to have a piloting agreement with Aid Pioneers and are very much looking forward to a successful shipment with them, leveraging the integration of blockchain, space and network infrastructure technology into our product Track & Trust.
As an expression of our recent progress, we can also announce: Datarella, together with its partners, successfully passed the Critical Design Review (CDR) as one of the significant milestones with ESA. Our design for Track & Trust has been assessed as valid by ESA. We are looking forward to entering the development phase next, together with our partners, in order to start piloting soon!