Do you read science fiction? Can you make data interesting? Can you tell the story behind a pool of data? Are you a data fictionista? Submit your data fiction.
People, animals, plants and things produce data – a lot of data. The data itself is the basic resource – like words are the basis for language. If you put words together to sentences and you combine sentences to chapters and aggregate several chapters – you write a story, you create fiction. Same with data: if you combine different data sources to data pools and aggregate them – you write the story behind the data, you create data fiction.
[Strong narrative] augments the available data by way of context, and extends the patience of the audience by sustaining their interest as well.
Does that sound like you?
We’d love to see and discuss your applications, analyses, case studies and models with you and help you make your data fiction become reality.
The Data
We will provide you with sample data resulting from the usage of our explore app.
The App
The data has been created by users of the explore app. In explore, the user interacts by answering surveys, attending tasks and heeding valuable recommendations based on her behavior. She immediately sees the results of her interactions in the feedback area. Second, explore tracks several sensors of the user’s phone, which can be set on and off by the user herself (see full list of sensors below). explore connects both areas, interactions and the sensor tracking area, with the integrated Complex Event Processing Engine CEPE.
The Complex Event Processing Engine (CEPE)
The CEPE is a mechanism to target an efficient processing of continuous event streams in sensor networks. It enables rapid development of applications that process large volumes of incoming messages or events, regardless of whether incoming messages are historical or real-time in nature.
Our CEPE is based on ESPER and Event Processing Language EPL
List of Sensors
– GPS location data
– Network location data
– Accelerometer
– Gyroscope
– Wifi
– Magnetic field
– Battery status
– Mobile Network
– Overview and extended description or representation of your main idea, any subtopics and a conclusion
– Use or integration of at least 1 (one) category of sensor data (e.g. Gyroscope). If you use GPS location, you should use or integrate at least 1 (one) additional category of sensor data beside GPS location data.
– Presentation
– Video
– Installation
We will reward fascinating data fiction with preferred access to our data, a post on the QS Blog and the possibility of making data fiction come true.
Yes, I am a data fictionista and want to submit my data fiction!