A few days ago, we launched our new blockchain-based donation app SmartAid that allows for traceable donations to charity projects all over the world. The first charity project is YOU Foundation’s “Water for West Africa”, collecting money for the construction of freshwater wells that provide West African communities with drinking water and allows for improving hygienic standards fighting the coronavirus.
SmartAid has been designed as a web app; i.e. you don’t have to download it from an app store but you simply surf to the URL www.smartaid.digital in your mobile or desktop browser and start donating, immediately. The donation process is very simple and (should be) self-explaining: you choose the amount you want to donate, you select the PayPal or credit card payment option, and confirm your donation. Done.
Since in 2020, there are thousands of different smartphones, running on millions of different versions of operating systems, even the most simple online process can result in unexpected effects; s.a. a page not loading, or a text not showing up. Since we want to make the donation experience as pleasant as possible, we’d like to invite you, and your friends, to join us and help to improve SmartAid! Donate – you could start with just 1 EUR – and send us your feedback. Although we are most interested in potential bugs or any inconveniences you might experience, of course, we’re also very happy to hear about positive experiences while donating!
Please send your feedback to smartaid (at) datarella (dot) com
It would be great if you could support us in refining and optimising SmartAid – and our friends over at YOU Foundation will be grateful for your donations that support West African rural communities! Thank you!