XSC Smart Wallet – Gamify Employee Health Incentives

Martin Schäffner

30 April 2019

The successful XSC Wallet for Android and iOS just got a new pedometer function! You can now incentivise your employees to move more and stay healthier with automatic coin rewards.

Everyone knows regular physical activity is good for your health. The more a person moves on a daily basis, the healthier she tends to be. Exercise helps to reduce stress, makes you happy and promotes mental as well as physical performance.

Using the XSC-Wallet with Pedometer results in more movement, more health and more fun at work:

  • Integrated pedometer gives feedback on your own activity
  • Stay motivated by earning coins when you meet your goals
  • Higher health, lower absenteeism due to sick days

Staggered goals reward the employee with XSC

Office workers quickly fall into the trap of living a largely sedentary lifestyle. Everyone wants healthy innovative employees but we all easily fall into just sitting in front of the computer all day. The extra kilos pile on and employee health and innovation are slowly eroded.

With the new pedometer function of the XSC Smart Wallet employees can be motivated to be more active both at work and during their leisure time.The XSC Smart Wallet uses sensor data to determine the number of steps a user takes over the course of the day.

The great thing about this is that after a certain number of steps, rewards are given out to the employee in the form of coins, which can then, for example, be exchanged for coffee, smoothies, or other benefits in the company cafeteria.

This simple and clear incentive encourages employees to move. In addition to the benefits of improved health and wellbeing, employees enjoy trading their coins in for perks like free coffee or fruit.

Employers gain an extremely cost effective tool for improving employee morale, encouraging innovation though greater employee  fitness and engagement and perhaps most importantly by reducing employee absenteeism due to sickness.