Kickoff-Meeting of the KOSMoS Research Project

Martin Schäffner

22 February 2019

On Friday February 15th, 2019 Datarella took part at the kick-off meeting for the KOSMoS project at the headquarters of Schwäbische Werkzeugmaschinen, a consortional partner located in Waldmössingen in the Black Forest.

The KOSMoS-project is a joint research project aiming to build a collaborative smart contract platform for digital value chains over the next three years. This research and development project is funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) and implemented by the Project Management Agency Karlsruhe (PTKA). In addition to Schwäbische Werkzeugmaschinen and Datarella the consortium consists of the Institute for Control Engineering of Machine Tools and Manufacturing equipment (ISW), the Frankfurt School Blockchain Center, inovex, ONDICS, Schütte and Asys Group.

The representatives of the consortial partners of the KOSMoS Project

The primary goal of KOSMoS is developing a platform for the cross-company networking of production and process data using blockchain technology. The platform will be able to integrate new offerings and business models. Examples include transparent maintenance concepts, dynamic leasing and proof of quality for delivered products. Through these business models, all cooperating companies should gain an advantage. Examples of such improvements include lower prices, lower maintenance costs and easier product distribution. In summary, the project should facilitate better cooperation of several companies.

The purpose of the kick-off-meeting was the exact definition of the three use cases. Each industrial partner (Schwäbische Werkzeugmaschinen GmbH, Schütte GmbH and Asys Group GmbH) will develop exactly one use case in cooperation with the so-called “enablers” inovex GmbH, Frankfurt School Blockchain Center and Datarella. The industrial partners presented their use case and illuminated the most important aspects in the development plans as well as their individual goals. It was very interesting for Datarella to see how the partners plan to develop and cooperate in order to achieve the goals of the project.

For the next weeks and months, it will be important to define and align the different requirements of the each use case and determine how the blockchain can be leveraged to produce the most benefit for everyone. The first talks on this subject are already planned.

We from Datarella are very excited to be part of this innovative research project and can’t wait to see the first interim results. Stay tuned!