We specialize in Big Data and Quantified Self consulting. Our Big Data experts provide researchers and customers in the healthcare, media, tourism, finance and retail industries with analysis based on data science models and help them to comprehend the human behavior better. Our QS consultants help companies to understand the Quantified Self framework and to instrumentalize Quantified Self tools in order to build loyalty programs, mobility concepts, self-care schemes and inhouse communication analyses.
- Analyze what’s there; collect data to fill the gaps.
- Interpret the results; get the meaning out of the analyses.
- Decide based on the insights.
- Implement your decision.
- Control and feedback KPIs from the day-to-day operations.
The most important and economically most precious foresight is: “What will people do next?” If we know what our customers will need, want and what they’ll be willing to pay for, we can prepare our business to meet the demand. More often than ever, a new product, service, or technology enters the market and breaks it up before any of the established companies are able to adopt. In these times of Darwinian competition, when small startups or even unbound individuals can bring up something new that totally disrupts your business, it a view into the future as clear as possible is not an option, it is mandatory. With the Big Data revolution, everything gets quantified. Our whole reality is datarized and put into databases, waiting for our queries. Data Science provides the tools at hand to mine and combine the available information – numbers, texts, images, video, geolocation, sensor data etc. – into comprehensive models for mapping our social, political, cultural and in particular our technological environment.
Cultural Foresight
It is no longer sufficient to look into your regional market to get visibility. In countries like Turkey or Brazil, many aspects of future life that we will see all over the globe are already evolving. While mature markets like the US or Germany struggle with the digital divide between the so called digital natives and those who had to “immigrate” into the digital realm, societies like Ghana or Nigeria just skipped the “land line age” and become the mobile natives now. It is thus necessary to broaden the perspective.
Comprehensive View
Input from our global expert panel that we survey via our smartphone-based technology at iognos and the models built on the corpus of the data collected allows us to make a good guess, what’ll be next.
Have a look at our Big Data workshops!
- Loyalty Programs
- Mobility Concepts
- Self-Care Schemes
- Inhouse Communication Analysis
- OS Social Research
- Custom Inhouse QS Products
The Quantified Self, an international collaboration of users and makers of self-tracking tools, has been started by WIRED editors Kevin Kelly and Gary Wolf in 2007. However, the origins can be traced back to the very first person who weighed herself in order to track her body weight. Virtually everybody tracks herself one way or another. According to Pew Internet, 60% of U.S. Americans tracked themselves using a special tracking tool and about 46% changed their behavior based on their tracking data.
Based on the experiences with our Quantified Self app explore, our QS experts help you to understand the Quantified Self framework and its potential impact on your company. Could you use QS tools to analyze the communication behavior of your employees? Should you implement a QS self-care scheme to prevent illnesses and minimize your sickness absence rate? Or would sou rather integrate QS into your existing customer loyalty program in order to open up a direct, individual communication channel to your customer and maximize retention?
For a start, you might kick-off with a Quantified Self workshop, to get familiar with the potential of this innovative framework.